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Why SSL is Necessary for the site? Name of the Top 10 SSL providers.

We often notice that some URLs start with HTTP://, and some start with HTTPS://. The extra ‘s’ in the URLs indicate that your connection to that particular website is secure and encrypted. It refers that every data you are entering is being safely shared with that website. This “s” is referred to as the SSL. The full form of SSL is “Secure Sockets Layer.”  So, if you are browsing any website as a consumer, you must make sure that it starts with https://.

In this article, we will share what is SSL, why it is important for the site and the names of the top 10 SSL providers in the world.

Introduction- SSL certificate

SSL certificates are little data files that use cryptography to establish a secure connection between a web server and a browser. This connection ensures that all data sent back and forth between the web server and the browser remains private. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is an acronym for Secure Socket Layer. It’s a protocol that ensures the confidentiality of data sent between servers and web browsers. This is performed by establishing a secure connection between the server and the browser.

SSL certificates should be installed on every website that requests personal information from a user, such as an email address or payment information. Having one indicates that the information you are gathering is secure and it assures customers that their privacy is protected when they see the padlock and https://. The amount of validation and encryption supplied or the number of domains or subdomains covered by the certificate is used to classify SSL certificates.

Types of SSL Certificates

Depending on the SSL you receive, you can earn one of three sorts of certificates. SSL certificates are classified as encryption and validation, as well as the domain name. they are divided into three categories and can be applied on the SSL website. A Certified Authority (CA), which is software created specifically for running and providing certificates, processes certificates. The types of SSL certificates are explained below:

1. Domain Validation SSL Certificate

SSL certificates with Domain Validation (DV) are the quickest, easiest, and most cost-effective option to get industry-standard encryption. This sort of validation necessitates confirmation of domain ownership and is often supplied in minutes. When DV certificates are installed, browsers display trust indications such as the padlock icon and the text https:// before the website domain. They are not advised for business websites because the legitimacy of the organization has not been verified, but they are perfect for internal sites, test servers, and test domains. The following are the value propositions of DV SSL.

  • It validates control of a domain
  • Enables HTTPS and the padlock icon in browsers
  • It is issued in just a few minutes.

2. Organization validation SSL Certificate

Validation of the Organization (OV) SSL certificates is an improvement over DV certificates. To get one, a company must show that it owns the domain it wants to secure and that it is a lawfully registered company. These can only be provided to a recognized organization, not to individuals, hence they are better suited to public-facing websites. The following are the value propositions of OV SSL.

  • It validates control of the domain
  • It enables https and the padlock image
  • It shows organization details in the certificate information
  • It authenticates the legitimacy of an organization, adding a level of trust.
  • It takes 1-3 days to issue the certificate.

3. Extended Validation SSL certificate

Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are the industry standard for corporate websites and provide the highest level of confidence. EV certificates activate the “green Address Bar” in select web browsers by showing the authenticated firm name in green adjacent to the web address, in addition to the trust indicates supplied by the DV and OV kinds. To get one, website owners must not only meet the OV SSL authentication criteria but also go through a more rigorous verification process conducted by a human professional. Consumers who see the green address bar on a website have more trust in the site’s validity and are more inclined to engage in online transactions, according to research. The following are the value propositions of EV SSL.

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  • It validates control of the domain
  • It enables https and the padlock image
  • It shows organization details in the certificate information
  • It authenticates the legitimacy of an organization, adding a level of trust.
  • It verifies that the applicant has the right to request an EV SSL and is in good standing with the organization.
  • It activates the green bar in select web browsers.
  • It takes 1-5 days to issue the certificate.

Reasons to have an SSL certificate for your website

Here are the important reasons to have an SSL Certificate for your website.

1. Improving customer trust

SSL certificates are important for customer trust, in addition to encryption and authentication. The easily identifiable signals inform users that the information they provide will be protected. They can also see your organization’s details if you have implemented an OV or EV SSL. They will be significantly more likely to do business with you or even return to your site once they have established that you are a real firm.

2. Helps you satisfy PCI/DSS Requirements

You must be familiar with PCI/DSS rules if you accept online payments. Your website must be PCI compliant in order to accept online payments. One of the 12 key requirements set forth by the payment card industry is the installation of an SSL certificate (PCI).

3. Better ranking on the search engine

If your website has the SSL certificate then Google will promote your ranking on the search engines so that the visitors have a safe surfing experience. HTTPS will be used as a ranking factor in SEO. As a result, if SEO is a key priority for you, you should install the SSL certificate for your website straight once.

4. Affirms your Identity

The authentication of a website is the second key purpose of an SSL certificate. Identity verification is one of the most important aspects of web security. It’s impossible to dispute that the internet is getting increasingly deceptive. When installing an SSL certificate, you must go through a validation process set up by a Certificate authority, which is an independent third party (CA). Depending on the type of certificate, the CA verifies your and your organization’s identity.

5. Improves the speed of your website

Previously, People believed that installing an SSL certificate would cause the website to load slowly. That is a fallacy. HTTPS, on the other hand, makes your websites load much faster, resulting in better website performance. Therefore, your search engine optimization will be improved and your internet marketing will be definitely get benefited from an SSL Certificate.

6. SSL Protects Data

The basic purpose of an SSL certificate is to protect server-client communication. When SSL is enabled, every bit of data is encrypted. When dealing with sensitive data such as IDs, passwords, credit card numbers, and so on, SSL protects you from the hostile army of hackers and skimmers. Because SSL encrypts data and turns it into an unreadable format, a hacker’s abilities are useless against SSL certificates. Encryption method that is unbreakable.

Top 10 SSL Certificate providers companies

1. Symantec

Symantec continues to offer high-end encrypted traffic management technology solutions, which are now available through Broadcom. TLS 1.3 is now supported by Symantec with the same world-class quality for which the company is known. Even if that quality comes at a cost, many people are prepared to pay it for the peace of mind it brings.

2. GeoTrust

GeoTrust is a well-known TLS/SSL certificate provider that is now backed by DigiCert, the industry leader in high-assurance website security. They offer a wide range of enterprises and organizations affordable and adaptable TLS/SSL certificates to ensure the security of their websites, servers, and digital environments. Customers of GeoTrust can also make use of Digicert’s award-winning customer service, which is available all over the world. If you think Symantec is a little too pricey, check out GeoTrust’s Offerings.  The cost of basic encryption is $149, while the cost of ultimate security is a mere $344, all choices come with expert assistance, 256-bit encryption, and a warranty.

3. DigiCert

Digicert Group has grown to become one of the World’s major SSL certificate providers, owning a number of the most reputable CAs. Although it is one of the more expensive options. Digicert’s premium SSL certificate includes security measures that can make a significant impact for the right company.

4. Thawte

Thawte is one of the industry’s most reputable SSL certificate vendors. Digicert now owns the trademark after a series of acquisitions that culminated in 2017. Thawte’s solutions are generally targeted at medium-sized organizations and small businesses, while its parent corporation focuses on large enterprise-level customers.

5. GoDaddy

The domain registration services provided by GoDaddy are the company’s most well-known services. This company, on the other hand, offers extra online services such as web hosting, site design, and SSL security. When you use GoDaddy as your SSL certificate provider, you will get a lot more than just an SSL. Additional security services are available from GoDaddy.


6. Network Solutions

Network Solutions is one of the most well-known companies in the digital services sector. While their job as an SSL certificate provider hasn’t been a major part of their brand, their goods’ low entry price has helped them establish themselves as a viable alternative for small and medium-sized organizations. Multi-year term domain, extended and multiple-domain SSL certificates, as well as wildcard and extended certificates, are all available from the company. It’s also worth noting that the base pricing for the various packages does not allow for speedy validation time. That implies the procedure could take up to five business days to complete.

7. RapidSSLonline

RapidSSL is a great option for small businesses looking for one of the best SSL certificate providers. RapidSSL is the best location for small businesses to acquire an SSL certificate because it’s reasonable and comes with installation tools that make it simple to add to your website. This DigiCert site security certificate is part of the DigiCert family, but its tailored to small enterprises.

8. is ideal for small and developing enterprises that require website security but cannot afford to pay thousands of dollars per year. They are a mid-range solution that is suitable for businesses that have outgrown the use of free SSL certificates but do not have very complex security requirements that justify the higher prices of DigiCert or GlobalSign. The best part about the low prices is that you get the same level of encryption as with much more expensive SSL Certificates.

9. Entrust Datacard

Entrust was founded on a wide range of security solutions, including ID card printers, credit card printers, authentication systems, and public key infrastructure (PKI). SSL certificates are one of the company’s most powerful solutions, thanks to significant investments in safety technologies. Customers like being to able manage various certificates across multiple domains from a single dashboard.

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10. GlobalSign

For large enterprises with complex requirements, GlobalSign is the SSL Certificate provider of choice. They have some of the highest charges in the market, but because of the quality of their service, they also have some of the happiest customers. If you only need a few SSL certificates, I would opt for a less-priced option. On the other hand, if you need a large number of certificates and managing them is becoming an issue, GlobalSign is a good option.

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