HomeMobileIphoneHow to Schedule WhatsApp Messages on iPhone?

How to Schedule WhatsApp Messages on iPhone?

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging programmes on the planet, yet it still lacks key features. The ability to schedule messages is one of these crucial features. Because WhatsApp does not enable you to send messages automatically from your iPhone, you’ll have to use certain workarounds. Schedule WhatsApp messages to be sent at a specified time.In this blog we are going to tell you about How to Schedule WhatsApp Messages on iPhone, So read this blog carefully to get the complete information. This is an intriguing function, but it does not appear to be one that WhatsApp offers. Want to get better. His objective is direct contact, and he doesn’t want someone else to deliver us a message; instead, he wants us to transmit the messages ourselves at this exact time.

How to use WhatsApp for iPhone to send automated messages

The only way to correctly schedule WhatsApp messages on your iPhone is to jailbreak it, which not everyone is willing to do. We can schedule WhatsApp messages on our iPhones using a modification called whatsapp reminder.If you don’t want to go through this, you do have alternative options, even if they aren’t really excellent. One of the applications that may be scheduled is the Scheduled application. Most well-known for scheduling the sending of messages from many platforms, WhatsApp’s only function is to remind us to send this message. We’ll have to email it to you.

We can select the message we want to send, the recipient for whom we want to schedule the WhatsApp message, the time and day, and wait for the app to remind us to send the WhatsApp message in Scheduled. We may also schedule messages on WhatsApp without the use of any apps. Another alternative is to use the well-known Application shortcuts supplied in the package. iOS’s most recent versions The Shortcuts programme is compatible with WhatsApp, however it does not enable you to schedule the sending of a message. As a result, you’ll have to acknowledge that you’ll be sending the message. To schedule a message on the iPhone, follow these steps provided by WhatsApp:

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How to schedule WhatsApp messages on iPhone:

STEP 1: There is no third-party software available for iPhone users to schedule messages. But don’t worry, we’ve thought of everything.

STEP 2: Use the Siri Shortcuts app. It’s as simple as downloading it and opening it on your iPhone.

STEP 3: Select Automation from the drop-down menu.

STEP 4: Using the + sign, create personal automation.

STEP 5: Decide when you want your automation to run.

STEP 6: Choose a day and time.

STEP7: After that, click on the action and search for WhatsApp in the search field by entering it in.

STEP8: Here, type the message and choose the time, then click Next.

STEP9: The message will then be sent automatically when the stated time has passed.


WhatsApp does not currently support scheduling messages, which causes us to run into issues on a regular basis. Consider the following scenario: You must remain awake until 12 a.m. to send your first birthday greeting. If there was a scheduling feature. If you used WhatsApp to send messages, you wouldn’t have to worry about waking up at 12 a.m. However, you may accomplish it with the use of a third-party app.

There are several WhatsApp scheduler applications available. any.do that serves as a reminder to send WhatsApp messages However, you must still send the message by hand. Paying a fee only for the reminder function doesn’t make sense. You may arrange birthday wishes or other professional communications well in advance using the methods described above. No more worrying about getting up in the middle of the night to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

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